Ok, so we have decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon! Thanks to Marcie for getting it all started.
Todd got this started but since he is currently up to his neck in our bathroom remodel I will make the first post. We have decided to tear out the old tile around the bathtub and shower. Silly me for thinking that this would be an easy project. Since we then wanted to update the faucets, we (I should say they, as in my dad & Todd) had to redo all of the plumbing which is taking a little longer than expected. I don't want to bore you too much with more detials so I will not share anymore. All I will say is...Hopefully, by the time this is complete it will all be worth it.
For those of you who have seen our house, here are a few pictures of how the bathroom looks now. Oh, I also threw in a couple of our kitchen countertop remodel project. We are just some busy bees over here!